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money is stupid really

money is stupid really

the fact that modern society goes doolally about a piece of plastic with a value added to it baffles me really. everyone should have fair pay no one should need to be too rich no one should need to have more than another person or less

its got so out of hand, society is addicted to buying shit it doesnt even need. im thinking back to years or decades ago when people didnt need expensive tablets or phones to oggle at bc they didnt exist then but stupid modern society uglifies so much and makes things more expensive than what theyre really worth

all these stupid people and it still cant seem to figure out whats wrong with society or why some people are paid less than others

why cant they scrap monimum wage and call it regular wage or the wage that everyone should get otherwise it should be minimum effort for minimum wage

then scrap job interviews cause thats why so many folk dont get hired if companies are too picky

then increase payments so every household has enough payments to last them a life time

orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lower the prices of everyhring so itd be more manageable for everyone

idk why more countries arent doing this its really that simple. if they dont do this then im killing myself before im 50 cause im not going to be able to afford shit all even with a basic "minomum wage" job

no one Other April 25, 2024 at 1:42 pm 0
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