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Manager takes job way too serious

Manager takes job way too serious

Okay so I am a white women working in a clothes store at a dead mall for now until I find smt better. Maybe 1-5 people walk in throughout the entire day. My manager wants us to change the mannequins and other displays daily…. Because he thinks it will generate more traffic if we always have a new sale going on. He sent me home halfway thru my shift yesterday for some reason and I work with him again today. Why would he schedule me to work with him if he knows he’s going to send me home halfway thru? This is my money? I don’t want to kiss someone’s ass just because they’re insecure. I should be able to work my full shift while keeping things cordial with the man without a problem. I don’t wanna talk bad but he’s a grown, black, straight man who I don’t have anything in common with, just to keep my little job. (for visual he looks like Steve Urkel if he was balding at the top and wore it long in the back - w a beer belly) He stares at grown/older women and gives them fashion advice and I would rather die than have that man scan and “advise” me on anything. When I first started he made me try on different clothes for him as a “fit test” and show and tell him how they felt. Like I know how skinny jeans vs bootcut jeans look and feel weirdo. I had a female coworker tell him that made me uncomfortable. Sorry I don’t want to be ogled at in a store/at my job. As well as fucking with my hours because he feels rejected when I work with him. He is just the most annoying manager ever. This is what happens when you give black men power like…. Wtf
anonymous Work July 05, 2024 at 9:21 am 0
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we should steal frlm the rich at this point
yup 3 days ago
If the business is that run down he won't have power for long. It won't pay. That's why women are better off with a husband than working
anonymous 2 days ago
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