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Mackay click

Mackay click

I find myself in the town of Mackay. Its a rather clicky town. A portion of the community are obviously drug addicts who you do not want to talk to but even they have their little friejd group, then there are the normal people now thats more complicated. Almost everyone are short. The locals are borderline like a cult they wont accept outsiders. Then there are like the local outsiders these people are actually really nice but often they are used to being not included so they are hard to connect to. Overall its almost impossible to connect with people I find except people I'd rather avoid.

I just quit my main job after 2 years i worked with these losers they were in their 60s union losers morbidly obese snakes. My other job i worked a night job and was okay but always busy hard to make friends. And thats my social life people used to say join sport but i mean i want to meet girls not other men. I have been living at college there are some girls but they don't talk to me because this dyke bitch turned them against me and her gay queen friend. Ever since has f#^ked it up. Worse part is the girls only seem to date these short guys who have no particularly attractive features. I mean just ordinary guys at least if they were shredded, tall, handsome but its like these girls just want to watch the world burn to fuck with everyone. I don't understand because it is like I'm tall I am fit, big dick, good looking guy, sure my job isnt that impressive but its improving. I work hard. I dont get it. So im in this town meth heads and clicks. If i make friends with the meth heads get stabbed or make friejds with the clicks who dont want me because they are all fucking imbred only make friends with people who their grandparents have known or girls so dont wantale friends. Look i get they dont want to be sluts but fuck am I so fucking ugly what is it?
anonymous Relationships March 09, 2025 at 8:57 am 0
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