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M/M and straight ships

M/M and straight ships

I'm so pissed about people and their ships, especially ones that aren't canon but try and press it on other people. Yes, your ship is cute but like them better.
If I post anything that isn't one of the most popular ships all the comments are like ‘They're [character name]'s’ Or “oh…”. Like ?????. Just let me ship my little silly people without having it shit on by *your * headcanon.
Somehow it's worse when it's a male x male ship especially when they're not gay/cannon and you ship one of them with a woman and all hell breaks loose. I respect if they’re openly gay or confirmed by the author/maker of those characters but there are so many non-confirmed that I’m allowed to ship them with the opposite gender. However, people are so against it that I’ve been told I was homophobic for not liking a gay ship, I’m gay. I like both straight and homosexual ships, I'm not against same-sex ships it's just sometimes those popular M/M ships just seem oversexualized (By straight women typically) or I just don't see the chemistry.
Like for example I don't care for Ghost/Soap. I can see why people would ship it, it would make for great angst and such however I don't see them as having good romantic chemistry. And if I ship anything that isn't Ghost x Soap I always get those comments. If you don't like it just scroll no need to type "Oh...." "That's not.."
It's genuinely not that deep so stop.

anonymous Other October 23, 2024 at 6:25 pm 0
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