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Local business douche

Local business douche

This guy is all about playing himself off as Mr. Nice guy. All about acting like he's the fairest boss ever, who pays employees $15 an hour?!?!?!?! And blah blah blah blah. Let me tell you, from my dealings with the guy, he's a cunt.

He's all about false image. The image of being the best, which tells me he's got something to hide. Good people are genuinely good, they are not obsessed with telling fake ass sob stories on Facebook. Claiming one minute to had grown up poor, the next boasting about pop culture and shit you probably wouldn't know anything about if everything you owned as a kid was handme down. Another thing is, if you grow up poor, most of the time, even after understanding it, you don't go telling anyone because you know it could have been worse, and you feel ungrateful for even thinking what you do, despite it being the truth.

Pretty much this guy is a manipulative, thin skinned, rhymes with maggot who will eventually have his house of cards coming down. He was a douche to me in my dealings, I'm sure he's even worse to employees, probably very cliquey and as long as he's happy everything is fine. Ugh I just can't stand his face. Such a smug cocksucker.
anonymous Other March 05, 2025 at 10:47 am 0
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