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Keep ACA Vote Harris

Keep ACA Vote Harris

Voting has already started, yet there are some fools who claim they are undecided!?

It's all about the ACA! Trump/Republicans want to end it, to be replaced with nothing. They've had over a decade to present something better and have yet to do so. Harris/Democrats want to preserve it and possibly make it even better.

ACA will be tangentially related to just about every other important issue concerning voters, like Rising Cost of Living. They need to think about how much more getting health care is going to cost if pre-existing conditions can again be used to hose them on premiums. Even employee-based health insurers cannot deny coverage or charge higher premiums based on pre-existing conditions because of the ACA law.

ACA is tangentially related the Women's Health Care Issues. Being a woman of child bearing age used to be a type of pre-existing condition. No longer under ACA. And now that the draconian abortion laws force women to become even sicker, near death sometimes, because routine abortions for health care are out, that means more women will be having to pay exponentially more for the extra care they receive. Without ACA limits the out-of-pocket maximum (OOP) for health plans each year, that could mean bills that may financially wipe out a family for years. Goodbye setting aside some college money for the kids she's already got. Or ever moving up and out of that cramped starter home.
anonymous Political September 20, 2024 at 2:55 pm 0
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Project 2025 will replace the MAGA chant and everyone will take an ass screwing. The angry white male and their lacky cunts, who plop out their spawn, don't want anyone to have more than them. They are despicable.
anonymous 2 hours ago
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