You are a Fucking Cunt and a Spoiled Brat. I look forward to seeing you fail and get rejected by everyone in the Industry when they find out who you really are. You are a Rude, Insensitive, Immature Bully. You are a Failure as a Model, a Failure as a Actress and a Failure as a Friend. You are the Definition of the word Shallow. You being in my line of work is like you being born.....A Fucking Mistake!! You don't deserve my Friendship, my Time and my Energy. I am gonna have a bright and powerful future because you won't be a part of it!!
Fuck You, Cassidy Kahler aka Little Miss Kiddie Pool (because that's how shallow you really are).
anonymousFriends August 13, 2024 at 1:12 pm130
She's Awful and 100% Shallow. I hope one of these days she gets raped and the shit gets beaten out of her. She doesn't get to treat people like that and deserve a happy life. Divine Justice is coming, You Fucking Cunt!! anonymous 5 months ago
Agreed.....she's a Manipulative Bitch and just down right shallow. No one is ever gonna remember that Flaky Cunt! anonymous 2 months ago
It's gonna be a good day when this Bitch gets fired and banned from the film industry. Her and the rest of those Smug Arrogant Cunts are going to get what coming to them. Fucking Disgusting, both inside and out!! anonymous 1 month ago
3 Rant Comments
anonymous 5 months ago
anonymous 2 months ago
anonymous 1 month ago