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Its funny how much damage a broke heart can do

Its funny how much damage a broke heart can do

Right now doctors could tell me I have cancer and it would not effect me one bit. 47 years old and I have never hurt or cheated on a woman in my life and almost all of that 47 years I have had to spend alone. So tell me do I have to beat a woman just to find happiness, or how about run out behind her back and sleep with other women while she's at home is that really what love is now. I was even told a few days ago the reason I am single is because I have never hit a woman in my that is what Love is now is it to Love a woman with my fist while every moment she is wondering if she is going to die. This America you people have made is going to be your death and sadly you will deserve it for turning your backs on everything that was good about America. As for me I am going to die alone because I don't believe women want to be happy anymore or have a man at her side for the rest of her life...and if I did catch Cancer that would be God saying "I'm tired of seeing them hurt you I'm brining you home" o that is right in America we are not allowed to say the Word God anymore so sorry for saying it.
steve Relationships May 15, 2024 at 4:49 pm 2
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Most women only go for looks and status/money. They don't give a shit about good men.
Just accept it and move on. Bitterness will only hurt you.
I actually found some solace in my catholic men's group. They were very helpful.
John 4 months ago
OP is clearly fucked up and deluded, get some fucking counselling, at least the dickhead above ^ has managed to find some kind of solace in his stupid catholic club...fucking morons.
Kanjii 4 months ago
You both hate women so why not get out of the closet and do a recreation of brokeback mountain? Yeehaw giggity
anonymous 4 months ago
Ya know what fuck you morons 1 I only like women, 2 I've decided to try to find a woman outside of America maybe from Ukraine or something the problem I have come to realize is American women are pretty much to busy being cheating its because their Trump loving pieces of shit :) have a bad day cyaaaaaaaaaa
steve 4 months ago
Your age isn’t important, your personality is. An older is more than capable of finding an exceptional woman if he demonstrates his uniqueness and DOESN’T present himself as a dusty bag of bones no one wants to hang with.
TV 4 months ago
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