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istg people dont read enough books

istg people dont read enough books

every other comment section nowadays is filled with people who fail to read the most basic statements

i was trying to keep my cool with some idjit who couldnt even read that just because two people at a fashion show was chatting it had nothing to do with mbti and they were just being polite to one another. the replier couldnt even grasp the fact i wasnt talking about mbti meaning someone is or isnt a social butterfly.

people somehow seem to mistake my very basic sentances and either derail them or they cant seem to comprehend what im writing even tho it clearly makes sense to soem people. maybe if they logged off and read a book or two theyd grow more brain cells but the lack of common sense in people nowadays is astounding

someone else mistook what id wrote and it was clearly in a jokey tone but nah they had two people misread it in the end. a joke. it was a joke u numpties

i swear people just click and react without reading anything thats on their screens. ive done it before myself but at least i try to stop and put some thought if anything interests me enough to say it but idgi. people are dumber than a sack of bricks and we are all letting this technology decide how people should think and react often the most nonsensical shit too.
anonymous Other March 09, 2025 at 8:59 am 1
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The newspeak that is approved contains only references of praise and reverence and devotion to the Master our Supreme Exalted High King Trump and the Grande Duke. The remainder of the lexicon is reserved for denouncements and hatred of all who dare express dis-loyalty, disobedience or wokeness. That is all.
anonymous 6 hours ago
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