I am so sick of this fake superficial family that sells anyone out in a second. it ALL starts with my mother. She talks about everyone the second they're gone except her little "angel". Calls X sick every time she leaves the room, but is besties with her no matter how shitty X treats her. Meanwhile I get called all type of names over the dumbest stuff. She barely tolerates me or speaks to me. Always annoyed to be around me. is the FIRST to turn on me and take anyones side against ,me. She fucking hates that my dad isn't bad to me, and resents me for that. She will never be my support ever and I hate that you can't be a good mom to me. Youre a better mom to your students than you ever were to me. You never stood by me or supported me ever. I was never the priority to you ever in my entire life. You never liked me. never supported me. This entire family is a joke. I wish I didn't have to live like this. They're so toxic and fake. God knows the shit they say about me when im not around if they already say all this when I am around.
anonymousHome March 09, 2025 at 9:15 pm10
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