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My husband is so selfish that he only cares for himself, money and his stupid PlayStation. If I knew this man was so dumb I wouldn’t have married him. I’m talking he cannot read and write. He doesn’t know the English alphabet and can’t speak English properly ARRGGHH…what did I get myself into? Life has been stressful that I KNOW for sure I am carrying this relationship and it doesn’t help that this mf can’t do anything. I’m so depressed that I often threaten to leave but then this mf becomes suicidal like BRRROOOOOOOO. If it wasn’t for the kids I would left ya ass ages ago ya good for nothing gorilla looking ass! How’s about u go be a seggs worker since ya love taking money out of my bag ya monkey lookin ass Nikka!!!!!!
MzVee Relationships March 29, 2024 at 7:41 am 0
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3 Rant Comments
And yet you choose him out of all the guys. Must have been a better choice if he's that bad? Or was there.... I'd say maybe it's possible you just have taste up your ass but now you are a single mum if you leave him like I wouldn't marry you. I don't date single mums so a good portion of guys won't look at you seriously other then easy sex at best... so you have kind of made yourself a mess if he's that bad. Like no guy wants some other guy hanging.g around or another man's kids, like they might be really cool about it if he's like the nicest guy on earth but even he probably won't date you to begin with... the guys that will a portion will resent your kids, and be dicks about it or intolerant to your kids ... so I mean might find an okay guy but you sure he's so bad? If so you really fucked up.
anonymous 4 months ago
J divorce him girl, he ain’t worth all that stress
Anakin Skywalker 4 months ago
Take the kids, take the pets, and DRIVE! Just go. Change your cell #, unload your bank account, cancel your credit and debit cards, and get going. Make a plan, and GO! I guarantee that kind of person, with that lazy, cowardly personality, will not unalive himself.
anonymous 3 months ago
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