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i hate yoi

I fucking hate you. you’ve ruined the lives of everyone in this house. you and your “problems”. you project onto anyone. you make your bad days everyone’s bad days. you’re a bitch who always puts themselves first at the sake of others. if only you knew how badly i wish i could go back in time and escape my present. to have never lived with you. to have never had you around me more than what i needed. you completely ruined my teenage years. your anger. compulsion. projection. i HATE you. you’re a carcasses who only keeps people around that you can manipulate. and if not then a fresh face who hasn’t seen you at your worst. i hate how deeply interlaced our lives are. if i could i would go and run far far away and never see you again.
- Home July 26, 2024 at 12:18 pm 0
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