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I hate my sister

I hate my sister

So, i'm a muslim who wears modest clothing, hijaab and niqaab (a face covering). My sister does too, in front of us (my family) except when she's far wnough away from home, she takes everywhere off and wears shorts/skirts/crop tops etc. to college.

The issue isn't that she wears non-Islamic clothing. The issue is why she wears it then takes it off as if it's some sort of disguise she's putting on.

I despise, absolutely loathe the deception. I hate that she acts as if islamic clothing is just something she can just use and abuse for her own personal gain (though idk what she gains from it).

Wearing islamic clothing, the hijab properly and the niqab (veil) was a ling and strenuous spiritual journey for me. Now, it's my pride and joy, and she knows this. I feel like her taking advantage of it to look good in front of my parents or whatever reason she's doing it for is a mockery of the spiritual journey many muslim women go through to become confident in wearing it.

Nevermind the fact that the niqaab is constantly under fire by people due to people thinking that women are being forced into wearing it. My sister taking it off, and getting caught changing from an islam abiding covered citizen to whatever she wears continues to spin the evil and negative mindset people have towards it, which makes it harder for those of us that do wear the niqab to stand by it.

Again, I don’t care what she wears, neither do my parents. My sister doesn’t know we know what she wears or doesn’t wear. I just hate that she's taking the mick out of something so many muslims have dedicated their lives toward and she's using it as some sort of halloween costume until she goes to college/ out with het friends or whatever.

Talk about religious appropriation.

There's so many other reasons I can't stand her and would rather live a life where I never have to talk to her ever again but I cba writing everything down.

A few things are: she's selfish, deceitful, has a holier-than-thou attitude, arrogant in her opinions and deems everyone else's opinions weird or incorrect because she thinks they are, thinks she's open minded but she's not, believes I'm self obsessed but she's the one who butts into conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with her and also believes everyone should adjust their entire lives so she can fit in,
manipulates our parents into giving her money for trips with her friends she doesn't tell them about (she doesn't tell them about the friends or the trips with the friends) and she has a major double standard where she can do whatever but when someone else does it, it's completely unacceptable.

If i never had to speak to her again, it'd be too soon.

anonymous Home November 22, 2024 at 8:17 pm 0
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