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I fucking hate my job

I fucking hate my job

I can’t take a day off or a vacation from work. Ever. I do 80% of the work and the remaining 30+ members do a combined 20% (and thats me being generous). I’m answering emails/phone calls/clearing errors/grabbing reports. They’re talking to each other and taking ten minute breaks every twenty minutes. Hell, they could click the mouse and go “Okay, I did SOOOOO much work. Time for a break.” Or act like they’re going to the bathroom, and then just sit out there talking to each other. I’m not dumb. I even called them out on it several times. They know I know. They just act like I don’t know.

Whenever I do take a day off, I get to come back to “Why do you take days off? You shouldn’t take days off. No one does anything when you take days off. It’s always chaos when you take days off. Wahhhh, don’t take days off. Why do you take days off?” And it repeats over and over. Then they turn around and ask why my productivity is ten times the amount of theirs. Like “Why is your productivity so much higher than mine?” MAYBE BECAUSE I’M WORKING NONSTOP WHILE YOURE JUST SITTING THERE! If you see that I do everything, maybe, oh, I don’t know, OFFER TO HELP ME.

If they don’t like me taking ONE day off, they’re REALLY not going to like it when I ragequit or lose my damn mind and go on stress leave/end up in the psych ward. Oh who am I kidding, they’ll probably beg our supervisor to come drop off work for me in the psych ward.

And then people think I’m over exaggerating. They ask me “Why don’t you take a vacation or days off?” Because you LITERALLY freak out when I do.

Overworked and overstressed Work September 05, 2024 at 12:30 am 0
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