my dad asked me if i wanted to eat fruit but since i ate too much i said "i don't want to, i'm full" without any annoyed tone or anything just normal and informative. i added the "i'm full" because lately he's been yelling at me that i don't eat fruit he offers me food. he OFFERS me food. i have the option to say NO and i say no because i'm full and hes so stupid he doesnt want to admit he's the wrong one. if he wants me to eat, he should tell me to eat. and now when i was doing my research paper, my mom said what i said was rude. i dont get it. i just said "im full" but it wasnt rude at all. and she started getting mad at me for NO REASON. just said that it was rude and negative. never explained further. i was so confused and taken aback by her getting mad that i was tearing up (im really sensitive when i get scolded at when i know i am right) and she kept scolding me to the point i was crying and she was like "what are you crying for??" and yelling at me and shit and i just covered my ears and cried even more cuz i was already in a shit mood. i get that im supposed to be respectful and shit but nothing about what i said wasnt rude and my dad and mom say it all the time. whenever they dont want something, they just say they dont want it. "i dont want" is also a negative connotation but i dont get offended. theyve done so much rude things and i can list them off but i've never gotten mad at them cuz im so supposed to be respectful to my elders. RESPECT GOES BOTH WAYS YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH. ill respect you when you respect me
anonymousHome March 11, 2025 at 8:24 am00
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