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Husband No Initiative with ANYTHING

Husband No Initiative with ANYTHING

My husband is lovely and sweet, however he is extremely passive in that I have to come up with ideas to go out, for restaurants etc. He does some household chores so he's not completely lazy here but also shows absolutely no initiative. I have had surgery and still recovering and we had to get the house spotless. He did nothing. As I left early he even left all of the curtains pulled so that the house was in darkness for the landlord He didn't lift a finger. In fact he made more mess as I was cleaning by dropping stuff on the carpet.

Unless I direct him on exactly what to do he has no initiative and it's driving me nuts.
anonymous Dating May 15, 2024 at 11:26 pm 0
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3 Rant Comments
Classic case of the modern “man” who has likely been coddled by his mom. The passive pushover is never a winner UNLESS he’s redirected by his significant other. Until he realizes his participation in household duties plays a direct role in your arousal ladder, things won’t change. He needs to unequivocally understand that his participation in the mundane feeds your desire to participate in all the naughty stuff most men crave. Explain to him that intimacy is a recipe…and his participation is a main ingredient.
Boomer 4 months ago
The house is your job. You aren't there as an ornamental value you have chores and duties just as he has. Maybe stop being such a bitch and take responsibility instead of pawning it onto him. He does the man work you do a few dishes and washing with a machine easy... and sweep the damp floor omg so hard...lazy
anonymous 4 months ago
LOL to OP, so fucking what? Women are emotional cunts, and usually morons, convincing yourself he needs you to direct him, you absolute dickhead, and the reason he does nothing, cos what is the fucking point, because you will only bitch and moan about how it has not been done properly or to your bitch standard, so why fucking bother, may as well just wait for your royal cunt orders eh, just fuck off you trash bitch.
Ollie 4 months ago
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