Hummingbird lovers of the world, stop trying to burn the house down. Seriously, I don't know how many people I have talked to who has started making hummingbird nectar on the stove, walked away and forgot until the house is full of sugary smelling smoke!
STOP BOILING THE WATER- Put your water on the stove, turn it up to high, add your sugar, and then stir until the water is clear, turn off the burner, then walk away.
The water does not, I repeat, does not, need to boil. The only thing required is the sugar be dissolved. Gawd almighty, this literally takes maybe 90 seconds and I know you all are not that ADHD affected you can't stand at the damned stove for a minute and half!
Ridiculous I even need to say this.
Common SenseFunny March 18, 2025 at 4:09 pm00
1 Rant Comment
anonymous 7 hours ago