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Home economics for boys?

Home economics for boys?

I think it is absurd that boys have to take home economics, and that I am not being allowed any wiggle room with the school district to opt my two wonderfully masculine boys out of it! This is a deeply held belief by myself as their mother, that I don't want MY sons having to be forced to take a GIRL'S class, and learn a bunch of stuff that I don't even expect them to do around the house! I don't make my sons cook, clean, or set the table or clear it, I don't make them do laundry an beds, or bathrooms , or even vacuum or sweep. They are young, they are boy boys! Not effeminate and emasculated little whimpery soft needy prissy girly boys that like shit like that. My boys are rough and tumble, husky and full-force all the time, and that is how I love them! I wouldn't change a thing about them, and I am not going to let the corrupt and degenerate public school system to do that either.

Why should my boys have to do things that I fully expect their future gf, finance and wife to be doing for them? If she can't or refuses, well...then she doesn't get to take them from me! She isn't good enough! I have made it clearly to them that if a woman comes along in their life (a long time from now btw) and isn't willing to do exactly what I do for them, then, she is trash and utterly worthless as a female. My sons are strong, intelligent, bright, and utterly gorgeous little men. They are truly precious beings and blessings, and even more handsome than their father! They are totally flawless as far as I am concerned, and i am not going to allow them to be told they have to do all this womanly shit and slave around and do chores, when they have their entire life to live and should be enjoying their youth, they should be always having fun, exploring, building, being around their friends, playing their video games, chasing girls around (even though I got a lecture about that from the police how it is harassment last year, but I am not telling my boys they have to stop liking girls, they are boys! That is what boys are supposed to do, go after girls!) I am certainly not standing by and watching my sons strain themselves and become exhausted doing things that has nothing to do with them at all and should never fall on their plate. They will have enough to do someday, by making the world a better place, because they are both very unique and have special talents, above most their age.

I have daughters too and I understand why they have to take that class, and I expect my daughters to pull their weight around the house, they have chore lists and if they don't follow it, they get privileges removed. So, before anyone starts on about how I don't make my kids do anything, and how kids need chores, you can shove it! My three daughters all have to do things around the house regularly. I just feel it is different for boys. Traditionally, boys never did that stuff, and they turned out just fine. It doesn't feel right to be to make boys perform domestic tasks, or to encourage it ins school. They need to be permitted to boys. Boys being allowed to just be boys, is how they grow-up to be strong men. If you raise them to be a bunch of Donna Reeds and Betty Crocker's, then you get the fucked-up mess we have today of all these dudes wearing dresses, wigs, heels, and make-up and calling themselves "drag queens" and using women's restrooms and locker rooms! They are the result of a home that never defined that line of boy from girl, and didn't separate expectations and enforce them.

So now, I have to get a lawyer involved to get my son's waived from the home economics (consumer sciences) courses, or we face a very unfair situation where we have to figure out how to pull them from school and homeschool them, because even several of the private schools here require home economics. The ones that don't, we can't afford. And I don't think it is okay to put that burden on our family to figure out. Public school are supposed to be accommodating to everyone, since we pay taxes to support them. If they took down the pledge, and they let kids run around with weird colored hair, and put up with that LGBT "non-binary" nonsense, and let gays become teachers, they should be more than willing to let us direct our children's education.

I am not going to watch my sons come home with cooking projects and sewing homework...I will not sit there and watch their little faces fall and be degraded like that. Just to graduate from high school.
Jenny H. School January 05, 2025 at 1:45 pm 5
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11 Rant Comments
The OP is a MAGA Heritage Foundation idiot
anonymous 2 days ago
What if one of your kids comes out as gay, Skippy? And this has been happening long before the current state of the school system.

Maybe they are "rough and tumble" because you monstered them into behaving that way so YOU don't do anything stupid to them.

You bible bumping freaks make me sick.
anonymous 2 days ago
^I mean they are afraid of YOU doing something crazy and stupid to them and that's why they are being rough and tumble, so you won't go bananas on them.
anonymous 2 days ago
Attack of the Boy Mom paired with Project 2025 champions. Are you listening to yourself? You are right on the edge of incest lady....
Olivia 2 days ago
I think the OP is another one of S Bar L Rancher's sock puppets.

So, Scott Larsen, are we playing lady dress up for the new year?
anonymous 2 days ago
^dingdingdingding you nailed it. Typical fat Scott sitting in his apartment pounding out stupidity on the keyboard.
anonymous 2 days ago
As a guy, I loved home ec in high school. 1. I got to eat food we cooked 2. All the hot girls were in this class and I got spoiled 3. I learned some skills for later in life to get laid more.
It really is a bonus class
anonymous 2 days ago
To me home EC in the 1990s was just another class to slog through as I kept a seat warm for a good part of 12 years.

I graduated, but mostly I was just there, getting through the whole thing like a robot.

The stuff beyond the basics of grade school I learned on my own.
anonymous 2 days ago
Your sons are fragile. I hope they meet the wrong person and get killed.
Jenny hoebag 2 days ago
a real woman doesn't have time to type up a long multi paragraph gripe of non sense about anything. A lonely incel def typed this whiney BS
anonymous 2 days ago
If the OP is a woman, I want to slap her ass as she ✨vacuums✨ my house for me. She better slim up, wear perals, and a sexy dress while doing it. As a MAGA, she voted herself into being a half person, so she needs to serve me.
anonymous 1 day ago
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