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Hitting the wall must be so humiliating

Hitting the wall must be so humiliating

Hitting the wall must be so humiliating for these 30 something gold digging cunts.

"Yeah, sure! let's reject all the good men in our 20's and teens, suck a lot of gonorrhea ridden chad dick and when we are nice and ripe, with pussies dried up and no prospects, we can always go back to the good guys for financial security and to raise our kids (that are secretly chad's kids)"

It is soooooo satisfying to see that men are waking up to this bullshit, and rejecting these pieces of shit, worthless leftover women. I laugh my motherfucking ass off when I see those whores upload tiktoks crying and begging for men to approach them. Or better yet!, belittling men for not approaching them anymore. I get a fuzzy, warm feeling inside when I see these single mommies sink lower into poverty and destitution because they decided to gape their stank pussy to 3 different drug dealers and "bad boys", having their fucking ugly ass, retarded kids, and then expect a good man to just swoop in and take care of them...HAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Real women are overseas my brothers. Beautiful, educated, polite, feminine women! Don't waste your time in north America guys. Unless you enjoy leftoover women with tons of baggage and ugly ass kids you have to support.

passportbroandproudofit Dating June 17, 2024 at 1:47 am 1
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3 Rant Comments
It must really suck wanting a bitch! It must really fucking suck when your entire life has been reduced to nothing but the pursuit of some fucking bitch. I'm so fucking glad I wasn't born into that rat race!

God, I love being asexual!

William 1 week ago
Ok passport bro
Who hurt your tiny dick feelings.... damn, you're super "hemotional right now! Do you need some midol and a tampon. Cause God damn, you're excreting a lot of incel sludge talk.

anonymous 1 week ago
I'm Australian my girlfriend is a aussie girl. I didn't go overseas she actually a very good person
anonymous 1 week ago
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