Greenland Inuits, the indigenous population that makes up about 90% of the 60K people living in Greenland, are redoubling their efforts to throw off their colonial oppressor Denmark and become an independent nation. Then they can decide their own future going forward with respect to the valuable Rare Earth natural resources, just like Brunei got rid of their colonial oppressor UK in 1984 and has used the wealth from their oil & natural gas resources to become one of the wealthiest counties in the world who's population has the highest living standard. So they lose the military protection of Denmark, it's not that big of a loss. If shit hits the world fan, Denmark can't even take care of itself; they are relying on NATO to do it, and they've got no nukes. Compared to US military, Denmark is still in the Viking Era, so the US, which Greenland is closer to anyway, will be the likely defenders since who controls the Rare Earth natural resources could effect US National Security. Should Greenland gain independence they can apply for NATO membership as such, an independent country, and have plenty of money to pay their NATO dues in full.
anonymousPolitical January 07, 2025 at 2:36 pm00
I heard Trump and his squad basically want to go Christopher Columbus on them and take that country. I hope the Inuits can keep Trump out once they kick out the Danes, but they are going to need help. And weapons. anonymous 21 hours ago
^not so much to stop a military invasion, but the obvious use mercenaries by the US to invade, mercenaries that Trump and his gang "know nothing about". anonymous 21 hours ago
U.S. must invade for our gratest prezadent Donold Jay Trump. anonymous 13 hours ago
But they will lose their bluetooth link to europe, and you can't run fiber optics through the ocean. Perhaps they will have to rent time on Starlink, but the cost He will offer them will outweigh' anything they can pay. Any price is worth the cost. There's no telling how inflated or deflated data price goes prior to the ice melt and Thulean minerals resurgence, they could fall out of the payments and have to get sold to China which could be even worse, then China would have the greatest power stones, and easily fund a dragon on America's shores. It's a lot to weigh before making a decision. If it was really just 60k people it would be easy enough to offer them no strings attached jobs 200k/yr at Alphabet in exchange for bringing some of that much overdue inuit perspective into Silicon Valley, but there are so many more people in Greenland than they're recording in the census. Billions of Chinese chipping away at the ice already. It's insane. anonymous 3 hours ago
^That's why you DO DA STEVEN!!!! anonymous 2 hours ago
5 Rant Comments
anonymous 21 hours ago
anonymous 21 hours ago
anonymous 13 hours ago
anonymous 3 hours ago
anonymous 2 hours ago