While everyone is clapping for the new President, remind yourselves, the president don't raise your taxes, your county does, and we the people vote their ass in office only to bitch when we have to pay that lawsuit for the dumbass cop that cost us a law suit. 40 million this time.
Stop bullshitting yourselves and stop putting these assholes in office that keep hiring their buddies, relatives and friends. 40 million dollars this year, 2 million last year, who knows what was before that and still they are still in office and still hiring their buddies and relatives. Wake up and look at who is hiring these corrupt people and stop putting them in office.
And just to add to it, Freedom means I am free to tell you and yours that you go to church to ask forgiveness for your sins and I don't go to church because I am not mental. I don't talk to someone who don't exist you do.
BitchPolitical January 21, 2025 at 2:41 pm00
1 Rant Comment
anonymous 3 hours ago