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Gormless Twat

Gormless Twat

I'm glad you're leaving. You're a gormless twat and I hate doing shifts with you. You do fuck-all unless it suits you. You seem to forget that you're supervising people, not doing the job yourself. I asked for a favour because I was in pain and you sulked and then completely fucking ignored it. To be honest, I'm glad that guy fell on your and bust your hand. Call it payback for being a fucking useless lump and letting me do all the work.

At least now I won't have to go to that fucking awful night out you tried to pester me into going to. Run by retards for retards.

I'd like to say "come back soon", but I hope you fucking don't.
anonymous Work April 14, 2024 at 11:40 pm 0
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