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GOP politician ready to go to the asylum

GOP politician ready to go to the asylum

You can't make this shit up, not even in your worst nightmares

"‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum"

And to top it off, he wants to reinstate slavery! Like, WOW! A black man wanting to "reinstate slavery"? Un-fucking-believable. Even Trump didn't reach this level of batshit crazy and that's really saying something.

This North Carolina politician should've been tackled right inside his office and wrapped into a straitjacket and carted away to the mental hospital. He has way too many bats living inside his belfry.
anonymous Other September 20, 2024 at 8:38 am 0
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5 Rant Comments
Okay first the mythology of your comments need to be addressed. I will start so the myth that only black people were slaves is a lie. No the slave trade just happened to thrive in black countries or more specific the middle east really. They didn't discriminate and would capture white slaves too. The only distinction was the white people from England saw it as a business model to export to other places. But it was going on in the middle east and it took place in Egypt who do you think built the pyramids? The reality is slavery was not necessarily racial issue. As for the comments I don't know anything about this person but it's hard to trust your credibility in light of your assumptions. If it's true he's just a nutcase but generally black people are not suited to government roles it's not their thing they aren't great at management or those kind of skills. They are better suited to other things.
anonymous 11 hours ago
The Ministry of Fear will re-define everything next year and all will be happy-happy and there will be no dissent
anonymous 9 hours ago
^^Most African-Americans, who this fool's comments are about, are descendants of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade first started by the white Europeans. Throughout the 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to enslaved Africans as a cheaper, more plentiful labor source than Indigenous populations and indentured servants, who were mostly poor Europeans. Existing estimates establish that Europeans and American slave traders transported nearly 12.5 million enslaved Africans to the Americas. Of this number approximately 10.7 million disembarked alive in the Americas. During the 18th century alone, approximately 6.5 million enslaved persons were transported to the Americas. This forced migration deprived the African continent of some of its healthiest and ablest men and women.
anonymous 6 hours ago
When Trump showed the world on Okrah Winky's show that he was the man and even Okrah said she wood vote for him at least thirty five and a half dozen times we knowed that he was gonna wiin biggly
beauregard 3 hours ago
Another RepuBLBLBLBLBLican pushes the insanity envelope a little further. Surprise surprise.
anonymous 2 hours ago
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