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Ghost hunting shows

Ghost hunting shows

I am embarrassed to had believed in that shit at one time. Here is how those shoes go.

It begins and you get the fake discussion of the haunted spooky location. Cut to time lapsed footage of them driving and then setting up at the place they are going to "investigate."

At the place the unlikable retards ramble and make small talk. In the later seasons they'd argue to add some soap opera element. But they do this and then "Is anyone here? ...what was that?!??!" Cuts to commercial.

This happens for forty minutes then they leave the location and put on headphones and listen to the audio from "wait....I think I found something..." DUN DUN DUN.

Then they show the "evidence" to the person who lives at/owns the location. Nothing but muffled audio and images from home improvement tools that supposedly detect the paranormal activity.

Then they determine if it's absolutely haunted or not from their one night at wherever.

This was basically like my generations version of Al Capones vault.
anonymous Other March 14, 2025 at 2:18 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
waste no time looking for the residue ghosts of the now gone democracy....sent away and gone
PIROSHKi PETE 3 hours ago
Don't worry, people believe in bigger bullshit... Like dating shows and such.
anonymous 5 minutes ago
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