I am sick and tired of trump supporters saying "well, why can't we be friends?" You know good and damned well why we can't be friends, I don't need friends like you
Then the fence sitters saying "well, I think there's good and bad on both sides" You pick a side you indecisive idiot, stop being a passive, whiny asshole
Time to start being a fuck you bitch and stand for what you believe in
This wishy washy fake shit isn't going over very well with anyone
HardcorePolitical March 18, 2025 at 4:44 pm20
^ Fuck you Francis. anonymous 8 hours ago
A good trump supporter is a dead one. anonymous 7 hours ago
Redditors...TDS+. Get meds, you're destroying your party 671 7 hours ago
Stand for what you believe in? Sure Democrats always are talk tough, and then they fold like a house of cards, just like Minority Leader Dem NY Sen Schumer after his big talk on not supporting Trump's government agency cutting to balance the budget program. "Schumer Shutdown" slogan made him pee his pants and they were just words. Now compare him to old school Democrats that continued on knowing they were going to be taking physical beatings and assaults. Well there's really just no comparison, is there? Now the party is touting AOC as new leadership. Yeah, she talks a good game, but she's all rhetorical talk, not frontline mobilizing material that's needed now. What the hell were these fools doing for the 4 years Biden was in towards finding a candidate to to contest 2024. Nothing. Well not exactly, they were busy coving up the fact Biden had become mentally incapacitated, but still let the man be seen by the nation in a debate. The Democrats have no one but themselves to blame for being squashed like roaches under Trump's shoe now. They are an incompetent bunch that would die from starvation while rowing a boat in a never ending circle to nowhere trying to get to the other side of the river. anonymous 7 hours ago
Trump Infatuation Syndrome (TIS) is spreading out of control. Get your TIS vaccinations for free.
Description: Trump Infatuation Syndrome is a condition characterized by an obsessive fascination with President Donald Trump. Individuals with TIS may exhibit extreme loyalty to his persona, political ideologies, and public statements, leading to significant social or personal disruptions.
1. Euphoria During Rallies: An overwhelming sense of joy and excitement when attending rallies or events associated with Trump.
2. Constant Social Media Engagement: Compulsive sharing, liking, and commenting on posts related to Trump on various social media platforms.
3. Selective Acceptance of Information: A tendency to dismiss credible news sources in favor of pro-Trump narratives, often leading to a distorted worldview.
4. Merchandise Collecting: An intense desire to collect Trump-themed merchandise, including hats, shirts, and memorabilia, sometimes to the point of financial strain.
5. Dreams of Leadership: Frequent daydreams or fantasies about holding a similar leadership role or being personally connected to Trump.
6. Mocking Detractors: A strong compulsion to criticize or belittle individuals who express negative opinions about Trump, often resulting in conflicts with friends or family.
7. Extreme Partisan Behavior: An unwavering allegiance to the Republican Party and its candidates, fully aligning with all their views due to admiration for Trump.
8. Gesture Mimicry: Unconsciously adopting Trump’s mannerisms and phrases during everyday conversation, mirroring his style of speaking and gestures.
9. Overreaction to Criticism: An exaggerated emotional response when Trump or his policies are critiqued, including anger, frustration, or profound sadness.
10. Seeking Validation: Regularly seeking out affirmations from like-minded individuals or communities that share the same admiration for Trump, leading to echo chamber effects.
anonymous 7 hours ago
^you forgot dipshitery to the umpteenth degree, never seen anything so stupid in my life. These triple trumpers are the worst. Deranged psychopaths willing to destroy this great nation at any cost. Just wait, they will learn their lesson. These trust fund babies running the show DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEM! It's gonna bite them in the ass. Red States suffer the worst under repubtards, guess they have to learn it the hard way. anonymous 7 hours ago
7 Rant Comments
anonymous 8 hours ago
anonymous 8 hours ago
anonymous 7 hours ago
671 7 hours ago
anonymous 7 hours ago
Description: Trump Infatuation Syndrome is a condition characterized by an obsessive fascination with President Donald Trump. Individuals with TIS may exhibit extreme loyalty to his persona, political ideologies, and public statements, leading to significant social or personal disruptions.
1. Euphoria During Rallies: An overwhelming sense of joy and excitement when attending rallies or events associated with Trump.
2. Constant Social Media Engagement: Compulsive sharing, liking, and commenting on posts related to Trump on various social media platforms.
3. Selective Acceptance of Information: A tendency to dismiss credible news sources in favor of pro-Trump narratives, often leading to a distorted worldview.
4. Merchandise Collecting: An intense desire to collect Trump-themed merchandise, including hats, shirts, and memorabilia, sometimes to the point of financial strain.
5. Dreams of Leadership: Frequent daydreams or fantasies about holding a similar leadership role or being personally connected to Trump.
6. Mocking Detractors: A strong compulsion to criticize or belittle individuals who express negative opinions about Trump, often resulting in conflicts with friends or family.
7. Extreme Partisan Behavior: An unwavering allegiance to the Republican Party and its candidates, fully aligning with all their views due to admiration for Trump.
8. Gesture Mimicry: Unconsciously adopting Trump’s mannerisms and phrases during everyday conversation, mirroring his style of speaking and gestures.
9. Overreaction to Criticism: An exaggerated emotional response when Trump or his policies are critiqued, including anger, frustration, or profound sadness.
10. Seeking Validation: Regularly seeking out affirmations from like-minded individuals or communities that share the same admiration for Trump, leading to echo chamber effects.
anonymous 7 hours ago
anonymous 7 hours ago