I don't really have problems with gay people per say, as long as they're acting and looking normal, are just living their lives and this is just a part of it and don't make a big deal out of it. However, I absolutely can't stand those whose whole personality is being gay, who act out, who look gaudy and flamboyant and are amping up their weirdness. They're ridiculous and quitefrankly, gross, attention seekers.
anonymousOther March 25, 2025 at 1:45 pm04
Lol. I made a post about this yesterday. Completely agreed. In Living Color did a skit about this 30 something years ago where Jim Carrey played the type of insufferable, in your face type of gay guy. It's on YouTube if you want to see it.
There's that smugness with the "I'm gay and it's the core of who I am" types that I can't stand. They are completely devoid of any personality and depth of their own, so they have to make everything "I'm gay. I'm gay. Did ya know that I'm gay?" Like no one fucking cares. You are not special. anonymous 2 days ago
I want to see cis straight white males having their manholes bred by hundreds of horny gay cocks. Every gay dude sloshing in the previous dudes cum, while the straight man is crying like a cissy! Every cock breeding his manhole until the muscles get puffy, purple and weak and he farts out liters of cum. Hank 2 days ago
2 Rant Comments
There's that smugness with the "I'm gay and it's the core of who I am" types that I can't stand. They are completely devoid of any personality and depth of their own, so they have to make everything "I'm gay. I'm gay. Did ya know that I'm gay?" Like no one fucking cares. You are not special.
anonymous 2 days ago
Hank 2 days ago