Well, the TRUMPERS WILL LOOOOVVEEEE THIS!!!! MEDICAID IS SHUT DOWN NATIONWIDE!!!!!!!! So NO HEALTHCARE FOR YOU!!!!! Happy now?! Duh, he wouldn't harm MEEE!!! I IS DUM N JUS WHUT HE WAHHNNTTSSS!!!111!!! Well, now look. And I'll bet you mouthbreathing, knuckledragging incest borne imbeciles will STILL love him like you do MORE THAN your family because DUH IMMIGRANTSSSS STEEEELING JOBS I DON WANNA DO!!!!!!! Fuckfaces. I curse and I HATE politics! THIS is what I mean by both hands of the same body slapping the face, which is us! See how useless voting is now? Of COURSE you idiots don't. That'd require comprehension, and since that's more than one, maybe LIMIT of 2 WHOLE SYLLABLES, you already clocked out with said attention span of a ADHD toddler in preschool and are now watching violent bullshit and equally idiotic, useless fights about useless shit that results in a fight and then you hoot and holler like the damned fucking apes and monkeys in a fucking ZOO!! JUST because you share over 90% of you DNA with them DOES NOT MEAN you sink to their level! In fact, I think they're above us! At least they don't inflict misery on their own pack for shits and giggles! For a power trip!
anonymousRelationships January 28, 2025 at 3:27 pm10
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