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Fucking sick of mopping you up

Fucking sick of mopping you up

Listen to me, you fucking autistic, retarded cunt. I'm sick of picking you up when you've drunk yourself into a stupor. I'm sick of handling you when you're covered in your own piss and shit. What's worse is that you're going to keep doing it and taking advantage of us. I'm fucking sick of seeing your stupid mongy face. If you want to get shitfaced, do it in your own city where hopefully someone will give you the kicking that's coming to you. I know you're too mentally retarded to realise this from people being nice to you, so maybe someone robbing you blind when you're wankered might kick some sense in to you and make you stay home. You shat your pants last time and we were expected to deal with it. You're a fucking toddler, why are you drinking? Go fuck yourself, I'm sick of your aggro. You need locking away in an institution. Probably not the wokest thing I've ever said but I'm sick of complete fucking retards being dumped on the community and everyone else expected to parent them.
anonymous Work April 14, 2024 at 7:51 pm 0
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