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Fuck the DND

Fuck the DND

The DND is the most toxic, gaslighting, hate filled dept in all of Canada. I'm a civ working with military.

IF we go to war, we are doomed. most of these ppl couldn't get hired to do overnight stocking at a major chain. Yet many are in charge! forget what you see in the media, the military spends so much on the spin you cant possibly know the real culture unless you are in it.
We are a joke in the world stage. Its for a reason, the leadership is toxic, abusive and ignorant.
We couldn't create an offensive on a cub scout troop.

anonymous Work March 05, 2025 at 5:51 pm 1
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3 Rant Comments
IF we go to war, blah, blah, blah...

Other than the rogue US (and even that is unlikely), who would go to war with Canada?
anonymous 9 hours ago
Russia would. They and Canada have been disputing over Arctic territory for some time and since climate change has caused easier accessibility to the resources up there it could heat up.
anonymous 8 hours ago
Nonsense. Putin is too busy reconstituting the USSR. After Ukraine, assuming he can get it, he's made noise about Poland and Armenia. The rest of Eastern Europe would come long before Canada.
anonymous 7 hours ago
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