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Fuck daylight savings

Fuck daylight savings

Fuck it. It's nothing but selfish shit to kiss farmers asses. We are long past the days of local farmers meaning anything. That's now kind of representative of a bygone era. Meaning they don't need their asses kissed.

Anyone whose been around these fucks know what I mean. Entitled cocksuckers who act like the world owes them everything.

Real farmers have more than one fucking crop. They also don't hog the road while moving on their 2mph tractor jumps up and down and keeps everyone from getting to where they need to be. Then they use shit for crops that makes it miserable for everyone who lives nearby. But as long as they get what they want it's all okay right? Fuck them. I'm glad real companies use actual farmers and not these fucks.
anonymous Other March 09, 2025 at 12:53 pm 0
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4 Rant Comments
18wholes 13 hours ago
I'm used to DST but what pisses me off is when some crackpot wants to change the month it happens on and otherwise fuck around with the established standards. This is a nightmare when it comes to older embedded devices that don't get their time off of the network.

I think they need to be thrown into a mental institution.
anonymous 12 hours ago
^Unix time is immune to this bullshit as it counts everything by the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. Basically all calculations done using this time only is immutable to the crackpot politician that wants to fuck around with time standards.

The only problem is the Y2K38 issue but it's minor.
anonymous 12 hours ago
I HATE daylight savings time too but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with farmers. Check your hate there sonny boy.
anonymous 8 hours ago
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