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Fuck aggressive males

Fuck aggressive males

I just watched a YouTube short where a man on a motorcycle had to pull a gun on an aggressive male that was abusing a girlfriend, and the biker had to tell his wife and daughter to leave for their safety. Meanwhile, the aggressive male kept taunting the biker and tried to come after him despite a gun pointed right at him. If the biker shot the aggressive male dead he would've done the world a favor.

I fucking hate overaggressive males who are made this defective by the MAOA gene, and they need to be billy clubbed by police before being tied down into a restraint chair,made stiff as a statue, then punched in the face by the cops before the rigid anti bite/spit mask gets put on him.

People this aggressive need to be kept at gunpoint and shot if they continue to show aggressive behavior.
anonymous Other January 25, 2025 at 9:54 pm 0
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Which is why we need more laws like that in Utah, where there is NO duty to retreat.

If someone approaches you, in Utah, even if you can run, you are within your right, if you genuinely fear for your safety, to shoot them.

May the Ruination come swift and fast upon those who claim wisdom, but speak naught but lies.
Ruination 1 month ago
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