These fucking fireworks are going off non-stop. It's the 2nd of November.. it's not even fucking guy fawkes night yet. The people that use fireworks should be considered sub-human.
astroOther November 02, 2024 at 2:26 pm30
Yeah, my poor old pooch is cowering under the coffee table because of all the neighbours setting off their fireworks. For 6 years I've tried everything I can think of to get him to calm down but he freaks the fuck out every time. All I can do is sit with him and ride out the storm.
I've never really been a fan of fireworks but I especially hate them now because of how they make my dog suffer.
Not gonna call the folks who set them off "sub human" but goddamn I think they're a bit stupid, what's so amazing about them? Tinnitus and an empty wallet? Fuck that.
Not looking forward to New Year's either. Flimblemop Scribbldonkington 1 month ago
1 Rant Comment
I've never really been a fan of fireworks but I especially hate them now because of how they make my dog suffer.
Not gonna call the folks who set them off "sub human" but goddamn I think they're a bit stupid, what's so amazing about them? Tinnitus and an empty wallet? Fuck that.
Not looking forward to New Year's either.
Flimblemop Scribbldonkington 1 month ago