I have a really hard time sympathizing with child celebrities.
Most of them were spoiled brats. These were kids who got paid more than most people could ever dream of, and they got to play on the set of whatever movie/show they were on. Basically, being set for life from what little "work" they had to do. You can't tell me a damn two month movie shoot is harder than what most regular kids have to go through.
And this sob story of "my parents let me do whatever the fuck I wanted" that I hear some of these crybaby child stars saying. So what, you did and had whatever you wanted. You didn't have chores. You didn't have to go to school. Literally no worries at all. They say it like they were alone in a house with no food or money, when in reality they had food and could buy anything. Big difference.
And most of the spoiled ones go off the deep end, usually causing their own demise. I lack any sympathy for that. I really don't care if shooting 3 seasons of such and such show had long hours, you still didn't have to go to school, and you still got set for life from something far easier than what everyone else has to do. Poor you, not knowing or caring to learn how to do basic chores. Learn and stop crying. You could have had everything if you weren't retarded enough to squander it.
And then some of them end up in an early grave from the shit they do. 9 out of 10 we're just behaving like a retard, the other 1 maybe actually had something real happen/haunting them and I can sympathize with them. Not the majority.
Should ANYONE feel sorry for some bitter spoiled fuck who pretends they were the biggest star on the planet despite whatever thing they were on 20 years ago only being moderately successful, still talking about this like decades later it's happening right now, exaggerating and telling lie after lie about how great it was. Then out of boredom they drink themselves to death, or do some other retarded drug that anyone with a brain would stay away from. Fuck that. Retard.
anonymousOther March 10, 2025 at 12:24 pm01
Shia Labouf annoys the fuck out of me. He did have a shit situation. One that I can sort of relate to. But that doesn't give him an excuse to be a piece of shit.
Shia acknowledges his dad was abusive, yet he abuses women? No fucking excuse and you lose all victimhood when you do that. I didn't get set for life from Disney Channel/Transformers money and had more problems than just my daddy, and I'm not a fucking abuser. So no excuse for him to be one. And goddamn that girl FKA Twigs (retarded stage name) was beautiful, and he want and did whatever to him. What a fucking crybaby loser. Even Stevens 3 hours ago
1 Rant Comment
Shia acknowledges his dad was abusive, yet he abuses women? No fucking excuse and you lose all victimhood when you do that. I didn't get set for life from Disney Channel/Transformers money and had more problems than just my daddy, and I'm not a fucking abuser. So no excuse for him to be one. And goddamn that girl FKA Twigs (retarded stage name) was beautiful, and he want and did whatever to him. What a fucking crybaby loser.
Even Stevens 3 hours ago