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Fat women where I work

Fat women where I work

When are you stupid dumb bitches going to get that we men do NOT like fatties??? You think there is a niche of men who are into "curves" but there isn't. Many guys for the lard asses because you're EASY AF, and will do any dude that comes around and offers, but that doesn't mean he's into you being fat. He's pretending you're not, and thinking of hot chick while he TRIES to not look at you and barf while he pushes back your whale folds to find whatever sort of gross meaty and hairy vag you have, and he's trying to not breath through his nose because we all know you fats have smelly tuna twats since you can reach down enough to wash that shit, literally...SHIT.

Where I am working now, some big fat at least 400 pound female pigger rolled up, barely squeezed into her little car, and asking where whatever apartment number she was going to was it. I just glared at her, fucking offended she even had the audacity to talk to me looking like that, but my way too nice and beta cuck co-workers went up to her, all nice and friendly, and directed her. When he came back to the work shed I told him he's a lot fucking nicer than me, because I was getting ready to tell that heifer to get her horse ass out of that car before she breaks the shocks and struts, and go walk around dumpy, swollen, diabetic, heaving and panting ass around to look for it, and work off some of that lymphedema in those cankles!

Can't you ladies just fucking take care yourselves anymore? SO many of you are GROSSLY , MORBIDLY obese to the point you can't even function, but still think we guys are supposed to be chivalrous to you? Have to still be gentlemen? Still be helpful, provide and protect you? Escort you around? Make sure you get to where you need? Take care of your life for you? Find you sexy and attractive, or future wife and mother to our babies, material? You think we have to be treat you like gentle, delicate ladies, when you outweigh us by at least 200lbs?? When we couldn't lift you, or walk beside you, or carry you or let you be on top in bed? Carry into the threshold of a home we bought for you? Sit and have a pleasant dinner, because you're too busy shoveling food down your gut instead of eating dainty and polite?

So, fucking sick of what you females have let yourselves become, and what you expect out of us? You have nothing to offer us anymore, but still expect us to step up and take you in.

Learn some self-control, restraint, discipline, self-worth, and start acting like LADIES with decency and social etiquette and awareness! Start remembering that we men are LOOKING at you, and you should be mindful of that, so you don't fucking cause us to have to bleach out our eyes after glancing over at your frumpy fucking selves. Women are supposed to be lookers, and make heads turn. Supposed to make us dude drool and want to chase after you. Make us lose our heads and forget what we were saying. Be what captures and keeps our attention. This is why we treat you well, because we want to get to know you if you're beautiful, or at least, somewhat attractive and NORMAL body weight for a chick! We aren't going to show you that if you let yourselves turn into a lumpy butter stick!

It is personally offensive to us, because the entire point of being female is to attract a man, and make yourselves appealing to us. Yet, so many of you just don't fucking care anymore, and call fat a trend, and tell us we should still want you.

I fucking hate fat women, and I will never be nice to any of you. I am not even nice to the fucking land whale tenants who live there when I have to go into their nasty ass, gross apartments to fix shit. With junk food and fast food everywhere, sugary soda, candy and then I look over....and fucking insulin and diabetic shit on the counter??? Eat yourselves into serious health conditions, but then still just keep, eating?

I repair whatever needs to be repaired unless I can talk my coworker into it, and then I fucking leave. I don't say "hi", I don't make small talk. I don't "thank" them, I don't explain shit unless I have to and I am not friendly about it. They bitch about me, but IDGAF. My boss knows how I feel, but I am a good handyman and been there for years, so this new property place isn't going to get rid of me.

You fucking females are such a disappointment the past few decades. Go live with your damn bears, we men don't want you around us.
Kyle Work May 04, 2024 at 9:59 pm 3
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4 Rant Comments
what the fuck are you on about you stupid dumb ugly baby bitch wtf. i can tell your stupid ass is miserable and i hope you enjoy your personal hell because this is just disgusting. i puke at the thought of a person with thoughts this gross. you nasty, disgusting, smelly, gross, fugly thing that you call a personality. seek therapy.
fat ugly bitch 2 weeks ago
Fat women at work? You actually think you're so important, impressive and valuable to the world that they go to work, to ....see you? To impress you? To have a thing to do with the lowly, whining, dumpster fire that is you??? All your RR says is that YOU are the one paying the attention to THEM and jealous of THEM, not the other way around. These women go to work to make money, to pay bills, to afford rent or mortgage, to drive a car, and EAT because they are human beings, regardless of how much they eat or don't, they still need to eat. They don't go to try to earn your attention and desire over them.

You need to take time off and get some therapy for that narcissism.
Idaho Donuts 2 weeks ago
Fat women are unattractive but some chubby chick's have gre a tits but are still pretty enough to fuck. But it's a slippery slope... you get top close next minute are a fatty the sexier a girl th s harder it is to fall onto fat territory. Like I'm a guy and I am not getting rough action from hot girls so I'm getting liposuction. Probably won't help but doing it anyway. The only enjoyable thing I get is making money but I work my ass off for that get zero credit treated like crap.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
WTF honestly bro "the entire point of being female is to attract a man" NO WHAT THE HELLS WRONG WITH YOU ur YAPPING about all this junk and you haven't even stopped to consider that WOMEN ARE PEOPLE TOO?? Besides, we all live in a society where natural selection doesn't really play a role so those kind of traits can slip through. THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN BE A PRICK YOU KNOW?? IT GOES BOTH WAYS HONESTLY smh at this point just watch the barbie movie...
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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