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You and your kid are assholes, both of you. Im tired of listening to you both complain endlessly about bullshit, like a couple of fucking princesses. Thanks for spending the day reminding me over and over again that I haven’t eaten in three days, asshole, so you can both complain about how the rice isn’t good. Cut the fucking cord and let your psycho-no-real-feelings-asshat grow up, so that I don’t have to take care of a bunch of know-nothing ignorant weak yahoos until I finally get to die. Where’s the budget? Your favorite fucking daughter smoked it, that’s where it went. Your mad I don’t smoke past 7? Fuck you asshole, if princess-layabout hadn’t huffed and puffed her way through all the weed in the city because her poor little life is sooooooooooooo fucking sad, I would smoke more often. As it is, Ive already quit and you didn’t notice because you’re too fucking busy breast feeding American-psycho till she’s in her forties. I absolutely despise having to listen to the two of you bitch and moan more. People are dying by the hundreds every day, piles of burning civilians are being made with bombs we paid for, its going to be a terrible summer with 120+ degree weather, and the rich are going to try to kill everyone so they don’t have to share, but fuck, you had to eat stir fry that the-daughter-who-isnt-a-psycho made for you. How god damn terrible. And pooooooooooooor fucking yahoo had to eat stir fry, boooooo hoooooooo boooooooooo hoooooooooooooo. I had to fucking kill people you assholes. I saw people die in your stupid fucking oil war. People I keep seeing and they’ll never go away because I killed them in a big stupid war that YOUR FUCKING MORON CAPITALIST INDUSTRIALIST IMPIRIALIST DOUCHBAG republicans chose to have for oil. And you keep on about how you’re a fucking republican, after all their moron stupid trying-to-go-extinct bullshit after ive spent years trying to get along with you over it and years trying to understand how someone so smart can be so god damn selfish and dumb. How you could consistently choose to harm civilization so you can feel for a few fleeting moments like you’re right? Is it working? Are you right yet? How about now? How about now? Maybe if you guys complain about it, or make it someone else’s problem, you’ll feel like you accomplished something. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
anonymous Relationships April 24, 2024 at 2:40 am 0
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