Women have the right to reject anyone they want, it's a free country.
But men also have the right to tell them to fuck off whenever they want help, it's a very easy rule to understand in society. If you offer no value, then you move on. Period. Very easy concept.
This slut at work wanted me to give her a ride every fucking day from work. She lives in a shitty neighborhood. It's not out of my route, so I dropped her off. No biggie. Of course, I ask her out ONCE (she has basically slept with the entire office by now), and she goes ballistic on me on how "I shouldn't be entitled to anything from her" just because I drive her ass 30 miles never asking for gas money.
So I stopped driving her. Everyone else in the office either takes the bus or drives completely out of her route, so she now has to wait in a dark, dangerous bus stop anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour before hopping on the bus and going home.
I actually go out of my way a little bit and drive by her stop (especially when it's cold ha!) after work, just to make it burn a little more.
Did she HAVE to go out with me? No, of course not. Could she have been nicer about it, absolutely. Do I have any obligation to keep driving her home? Fuck no!
Am I enjoying the fact that there is a small but palpable chance of her getting assaulted because she couldn't help but be a bitch? Yes, I'm petty like that. Fuck her
MendiolaDating March 25, 2025 at 12:43 am63
She sounds like a retarded, spoiled, cunt. Not because she said no, but because she bit your head off and tried to turn it into some issue of sexism and blah blah blah. She is probably the type to blame everyone else for her own problems. I noticed shit people tend to not drive too. You dodged a bullet, and workplace fucking around is something that always ends badly. anonymous 3 days ago
It's very funny how women react after being asked these days what they bring to the table when it comes to dating and relationships. Men are judged on their abilities to provide resources and services. But women keep treating us like absolute shit. They are less sexual than ever before, they are meaner than ever before and they continually say how they are capable of being completely independent. Yet, they are completely and utterly helpless without men.
I think women in general should really be fearful of those AI powered sophisticated sex dolls. Those things are more valuable to me than any other woman I have come across in my life. Man 3 days ago
I think there are good women out there, but they are rare. Most are shallow and don't know what the fuck they want. They have no personality. They are bland as fuck. They want a guy who provides them money. They are turned off by guys who are emotionally available despite claiming to want emotional intimacy. So, the relationship they end up in is miserable for both parties.
The guy is a sex obsessed retard who bitches cuze he isn't gettin any. The woman makes it a game to bleed him financially, and very quickly everything turns into a fight about money because both of their lifestyles cause them to be poor. He expects her to mother him as he acts like a retarded teenager. She expects James Bond, and instead gets manbaby Xbox man.
Most relationships are miserable and the people in them aren't happy because they aren't getting what they got into the relationship for. anonymous 3 days ago
^ ^^ ^^^
What a collection of pimply-faced, poorly-dressed involuntary celibates. just to make it burn
retarded, spoiled, cunt
No personality, bland as fuck
It's no wonder you're such a barrel of failed losers. You bring nothing to the table other than your entitled rage. anonymous 3 days ago
Well, we could let the gov't mess this up, too? 1,2,3,4...bend over & lookit the floor 3 days ago
I feel its completely reasonable to be upset at her. She was not astute or classy how she reacted. Cpuld have been nice to you when she said no but to be honest I am 35 while definitely there are some women more sensitive then others for sure but I think there are alot of women who are disrespectful but some are in extremes, some not too bad just abit sarcastic and childish. Her case was not great. I have seen worse. Get used to it, doesn't get easier too much. She actually should have just done it but you are probably really ugly or poor or both so she said no. Which sucks I'm not ugly but I'm poor and used to be fat so i know what its like. Hurts deep. You will meet other girls probably gorls who disappoint you but they exist. Its a cruel world. Get used to blue balls. If you want easy women join a union but I wouldmt because they are criminals and will ruin your head. Like if you are into that okay but I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Especially like construction unions. Fuck that cull them anonymous 3 days ago
go fucking tie a rope to ur neck and jump please, i cant stand weird assholes like you, all of you should just die <333 gayincelhater 3 days ago
it probably stinks nathanofdettroit 3 days ago
The plan is to continue with the already outrageously successful objective formula to produce less, less and even less awareness so that we may all buy away all day, hey.Gobble anonymous 3 days ago
Hey Incel calm down. We know your desperate. Go fuck your mom if you want the ultimate woman. You wrote this last year, just this one is more wordy anonymous 2 days ago
10 Rant Comments
anonymous 3 days ago
I think women in general should really be fearful of those AI powered sophisticated sex dolls. Those things are more valuable to me than any other woman I have come across in my life.
Man 3 days ago
The guy is a sex obsessed retard who bitches cuze he isn't gettin any. The woman makes it a game to bleed him financially, and very quickly everything turns into a fight about money because both of their lifestyles cause them to be poor. He expects her to mother him as he acts like a retarded teenager. She expects James Bond, and instead gets manbaby Xbox man.
Most relationships are miserable and the people in them aren't happy because they aren't getting what they got into the relationship for.
anonymous 3 days ago
What a collection of pimply-faced, poorly-dressed involuntary celibates. just to make it burn
retarded, spoiled, cunt
No personality, bland as fuck
It's no wonder you're such a barrel of failed losers. You bring nothing to the table other than your entitled rage.
anonymous 3 days ago
1,2,3,4...bend over & lookit the floor 3 days ago
anonymous 3 days ago
gayincelhater 3 days ago
nathanofdettroit 3 days ago
anonymous 3 days ago
anonymous 2 days ago