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Enjoy your second Trump term and Trump morals

Enjoy your second Trump term and Trump morals

Sadly, I expect Trump to win, and I know what we can expect afterward.

America has a very short and selective memory, so I wouldn't expect it remember all of the serious talk and speculation of a second civil war that went on near the end of Trump's first term. But even if this does not come to pass, expect America to be even more angry and divided, expect hate crimes to skyrocket, expect people to fight back violently against Trump's tyranny when they find that peaceful solutions didn't work, and expect other countries' governments to issue travel warnings to their citizens to not visit the US with all of this going on.

1/6/2021 and Trump is still on the fast track to the Whitehouse. Don't forget the cops that were killed at the Capitol, politicians of both parties fleeing for their lives and hiding as Trump's modern day brownshirts were literally chanting and looking for blood while holding Confederate flags. Don't forget the thinly veiled "Stand By" (and get ready to fight on my signal) Trump broadcasted to his minions right after he lost the election. Don't forget his threats to RETALIATE (his exact words) on those who opposed him. And don't be shocked at the following horror when a second Trump term comes to pass.

The American empire was not going to last forever. No empire ever has, no matter how omnipotent and indestructible everyone believed them to be. Trump is going to be the final blow

And don't expect America to be "the land of the free" any longer. Trump and his MAGAs made it very clear that they don't want "freedom and justice for all". sieg heil.

Also, justice failed and kids are learning that if you are a big enough bully you can do anything and no one can really hurt you.

anonymous Other July 01, 2024 at 12:07 am 0
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According to political theory on how long an empire lasts before collapse, the US is right on schedule for its demise: The next western empire only lasts 1/2 as long as the one before, which would be the about 400 yrs lasting British Empire to the US that had it's 200 yr in 1976. As to the next type of governing system that comes after a democracy one fails, that would be an anarchy, however, these do not last long before someone or group takes power and the reigns of governance, an autocracy or oligarchy.
anonymous 2 days ago
Do Not Be Alarmed...the coming Theocratic Fascism wiill be a grate cleansing of the naton and people's woke moraliity and all the schools, books and libraries wll be brought down and replaced by sites where one can worship the Leader and present sacrificial items and people upon the altar of freedum. The grate Morality Police and the Revenge Rangers and the Cancel Corps will sweep the streets of all dissent and wokeness and any thinking wiill be as the Grate Leeder says.
happy hatter hater 2 days ago
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