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Any posts which are denigrating to the USA or President Trump will be reported to the High Command. Very shortly the administration will form the Federal Auxiliary Police. Nicknamed "OXES". They will be investigating those who speak against our country and administration. FAFO? Go ahead, you will get a KNOCK KNOCK at the door and interrogated about your loyalty to the United States of America and The Administration.
Ops Political February 22, 2025 at 10:16 am 2
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Thank God the soldiers of true jussdis are upon us an will stop all the comunism stuff and the end is in site for them diversity freeks and all who do not serve the master's purpose. Praise the Morality Police, praise the Revenge & Retribution Rangers and the beloved Getting Even Guard! All who are reported and all who did not report others will be sent to the camps for re-education and harsh labor before bein deported. Yay Hoo Ray
Millie & Fred 7 hours ago
Fuck Trump, fuck Musk, fuck Vance. They can eat a bag of dicks.
Throw those 3 into a volcano!
anonymous 5 hours ago
I wish they were forced to be a poor orphaned kid in Russia during the 1920s. Imagine the beatings they would've gotten in those orphanages.
anonymous 5 hours ago
Russia sucked in so many ways back then too. In the 1920s those Russkies made a film that said they would be in space by the end of that decade, and these vodka brain rotted numbnutz thought they would find Mongolians on Mars. All while the film was filled people battling around with axes, swords,and guns. The Russkies released this batshit piece as an actual propaganda film.

So Russia 1920 sucks
Russia 2020 still sucks.

anonymous 5 hours ago
Francis... Fuck yout King and fuck your Duke. Report me, you spineless slave.
Darnell 4 hours ago
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