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dear gays from a gay

dear gays from a gay

dear gays

please learn how to use fucking nail polish, the amount of times i’ve seen piss poor black polish that’s got more cracks then when the cia infiltrated the black community with crack

it’s not hard to fucking use a top coat

it costs like 2 dollars

fucking 2 dollars to use a top coat
from gay to gays Body April 27, 2024 at 1:24 pm 0
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7 Rant Comments
dear gays, shut up its not always about you
no one 2 weeks ago
Interesting, it was noticed today that Eugene Daniels the vice president of the White House Correspondents' Association and who will be president beginning in June 2024 through June 2025 had a nice manicure with gray polish that looked better than the two women with whom he was hosting. The times they are a-changing.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
Czar Trump wears nail polish down there and it is a thing to behold...the beholders are paid $130k to buy some anti barf scarfs.
Mike Ro Scopik 2 weeks ago
You are everything wrong with gays. You can't accept gayd being themselves. If they don't want to wear nail polish you should accept they just want to get assfucked but they even put that crap on to impress you still you complain. You are a jerk is what you are. As a straight man I'm showing solidarity with fans who don't give a fuck
anonymous 2 weeks ago
Women here dose nails and hair. The crack can form for many reason it’s not about top coat, that can make a difference and sometimes it’s doesn’t, you got to pick out certain polish that goes well with your nails, some nail polish peals straight off, some are hard to get off, washing your hands can form cracks, acrylics are more permanent with not fading. Calm yourself down, that’s the most pathetic thing I’ve read on here.
Alice. 2 weeks ago
I've taught people how to do manicures.

1. Clean hands by washing well and getting everything out from under the tips and along cuticles.

2. Massage with cuticle cream and push cuticles back evenly. Carefully trim anything that needs to be trimmed. Shape nails and use a buffer to smooth edges and top on nail. Never file nails using a back and forth sawing motion. Always file in one direction only.

3. Make sure there are no oils on nails before using polish. Clean nails with polish remover (acetone) before applying nail polish.

4. Base coat. This is an essential step, and many people skip it. It makes a huge difference, and it works like primer does when painting anything. Base coat is not a typical gloss or the same as the top coat. Allow this coat to dry thoroughly before continuing.

5. Apply color. Start at the base on the nail and brush toward the tip. The first two brush strokes should be on either side of the nail, and the final brush stroke should even out the center. On a large nail, you might have two or even three center brush strokes. Most nails only need three brush strokes. Allow to dry completely. If a deep color is desired, a second coat can be done - always make sure each coat is completely dry before starting the next coat.

6. If decorating nails, add decorations before doing the top coat. This can be glitter, tiny gems, nail stickers, etc.

7. Finish with a clear top coat. This can be glossy or a matte finish - whatever you prefer. This coat seals the paint job. It's like a varnish that helps to protect and make the nail polish last longer.

When removing nail polish, make sure all traces are removed, then trim and clean each nail, and use cuticle cream and a good hand lotion.

If you have thin or brittle nails, you need to massage cuticles daily. Pushing cuticles back and massaging nails helps nails grow stronger.

Don't chew on your nails or cuticles. This is a very difficult habit to break, so it's best to not start doing it. Find other ways to reduce anxiety if at all possible.

anonymous 2 weeks ago
Trump put brain polish on so many Americans which actually killed off their braincells rather than making them into better people. Also, Trump needs to stop using so much orange tanning spray as that toxic stuff leaches into the bloodstream and ultimately to the brain, helping to cause him to make very bad desicions for America, which includes getting people to attack the Capitol building as what happened on 1/6/2021.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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