Look I understand you do not believe in God but that does not mean that he does not believe in you. We see the evil that happens all over the world and the first thing you want to do is blame the one who started everything...he never wanted us to know what any of this was because of 2 people we have to go through all of this regardless of what these moron Christians say you will get that proof in the end that you want and in the end your going to find that mercy goes sooo far to reach what it has lost. Jesus died for the people that did not want him and did not know him as well as the people that did not want his help in the end Love always wins and I dont care what Christians say 99% of you Atheist's have never done anything bad in your life so I doubt God is going to turn his back on you Love will not allow him to do so it is the one thing he holds for us and that is that he will never abandon us or forsake us. Btw as someone that died 5 times as a kid and stood in a place where peace is so strong you can hold onto it as if its something solid I can tell you now Religion does not exist after you die so the words you hear all the time christen and Atheist does not exist in that place. Region is a man made invention that only brings hate and division and God did not create it so it cannot be of him. I wont go far in this because i know we live on a world where hate has won all I can say is this stand by your views but don't allow this world to shut your light out complexly because even a small amount of faith can save you. I once dreamt as a child that I gave my place in heaven to someone that didn't believe in God and I know I cant do that but please realize if I could give every one of you Atheists a way home at the cost of mine I would because everyone deserves the right to make it home. I wont bother replying to this it was on my heart and I just wanted to say it God does not turn his back on his children if they have turned their backs on him Love will not allow him to do that.
anonymousReligion January 26, 2025 at 1:11 am12
Fuck off, weirdo. The Bible was written by Iron Age primitives who lived in huts and didn't know where the Sun went at night. You're psychotic. Atheists live in the real world. Get a life and stop playing pretend. anonymous 20 hours ago
Yes, the new improved and approved and authorized religion does employ profitable Hatred, Fear, Confusion, Conspiracy and the flowers of the field of lies to achieve the end that we all must demand...HIM! Only HE can lead us down the escalator to the waiting busses to the end times express and the grate rapture we all seek but only the loyal and obedient will see . Praise him, for truth, profit and getting stuff. gubble gobble gook 17 hours ago
2 Rant Comments
anonymous 20 hours ago
gubble gobble gook 17 hours ago