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Dating app people

Dating app people

Why do you not respond after your initial message of "hey" I see this is common for all genders and preferences. Some low effort ass profile gets a like, they immediately send that, then POOF. Like what the hell do you expect to get in doing that? You aren't even giving the other person a chance. Whether you're looking for fucking or a relationship, you can't get anywhere if you don't try.

Do you expect your non punctuated "hey" to get a response of "I want to fuck you. Meet me at such and such place, don't worry about the birth control" or "Your word has melted my heart. I am in love with you. Move in with me at my 100000 house. Here is the address."

Even to the people who stop trying after two messages. You've got to get a convoy going if you want anything to happen. Don't expect anything if you don't do your part.

Going to be funny to see some of these inept fucks at like 60 who have never been on a date because they didn't do anything after "hey."
anonymous Relationships March 02, 2025 at 3:17 pm 0
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You start conversation like this: "Hey Blah blah. I saw your profile and it really caught my eye. I liked this, blah and blah"
You are more likely to get a response.

Also Dating is a battlefield. Sometimes you get ghosted, iced, simmered or power parted. You will also have to employ these techniques depending on who you are dealing with.

There are not many good people left, so proceed cautiously. Best of luck with your search!!
Susan 12 hours ago
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