It physically hurts or maybe I am just having a heart attack. How can he be so mean. I am crying he saw me cry he got his entertainment and now he left. He didn’t fix the issue cuz he doesn’t even know what the issue. Is Why would I cry? I have nothing to cry about.. I obviously cried to make him feel guilty? That’s what he said. I don’t want to see him in the morning how can I avoid him? He will know and he will yell at me but if I don’t talk to him he will realize I am not acting normal and he will say something else awful or just yell at me and I will start crying again. And then he will yell at me for making him feel guilty by crying.
How do i stop crying ? Why do I keep crying just because someone talks a little loud ? But more importantly how do I stop being hurt by him?
Should I just avoid him tomorrow say I have something I need to do ? But what if he suspects me and starts yelling at me again? Why is it that he can leave whenever he wishes but i have to calculate whether i can go or i will get yelled at ? Is it cuz i say ok when he wants to leave but he demands that I don’t leave when i want because he doesn’t want to feel guilty. But why did this fight start in the first place? Cuz he ignored me for 30+ min after I told him I needed to do something that took about 2-4 min. He said it took me 5 min but either way I just wanted him to return that time. I guess that’s why I got upset and it led to this. If I wasn’t so clingy maybe I wouldn’t be so hurt. He said he liked that I was clingy. But that’s a lie. He likes the idea of someone who likes him a lot but doesn’t want them to want so much of their time. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to constantly be hurt. I need to stop being so toxic otherwise he will divorce me. I don’t have any friends what would I even do what escuse do I make so I seem busy so that I don’t cling to him so much. First i need an escuse for tomorrow morning. We had plan to watch a movie but I just want to get away from him. How do I act normal so that he doesn’t suspect that I am “mad” at him. I am not angry I am hurt but for him everything delves into anger. Also I have nothing to be sad about. According to him.
I know I need to find a way to stop being clingy and everything else will work out. I will stop being such a bytcj to him by crying every time he takes my allotted time with him for me.
CryRelationships January 26, 2025 at 10:11 pm00
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