Due to the number of weird phony sick fucks, i don't ever want to go back. I have already kind of lost my faith any way.
These places (the bad ones) all revolve around money and pressuring people into giving at every turn. the people who run things and volunteer are the biggest fucking phonies, and I guarantee you things aren't so peachy at home, despite this (false) image they want to convey of being normal (also propaganda). Most of these fucks drink, cheat, and God (ha) knows what else.
when a new person comes into the church and the staff introduces themselves, and they ask shit like "what brings you here?" That is fucked up. you're supposed to be there for fellowship. And these fucks are trying to figure out what your deal is. ANYONE who is all about doing that, has something to hide. This goes back to my previous paragraph of how most of the people involved in churchs are doing some dirty shit.
Then the assholes getting too close with people wehn talking to them. i was there and this guy who helped run things was standing too fucking close to me as he talked. im not one to preach the whole personal space shit, but he was up in mine. i think it was a way to throw off the power balance. kind of like how bad sales people want to yell at you in an attempt to catch someone off guard.
and lets get onto the show. Church now is nothing but shitty, bland, loud ass bullshit music played over speakers. Then the assholes come on stage, telling everyone to give give give. Then some married couple (who cheats) get up and do a musical number. then the preacher talks about current events and relates it to some out of context bible verse that has nothing to do with it.
"There have been some wildfires in California. I give my prayers to the people and families caught up in this disaster. It reminds me of Esekial 4:8 where it says 'in my kingdom, all is known' All is known. All is known that we will be okay in the eyes of the lord. If you haven't already, please donate to us through our Vinmo."
Ned FuckersOther March 03, 2025 at 1:51 pm30
I don't know why the congregation can't see it as the giant farce it is. Oh wait, most people can't think for themselves. And people wonder why America is so fucked.
"pOlItIcS aRe sO bOriNg!" ::bubblegum smacking:: - literally the behavior I have personally encountered in many fellow Americans. anonymous 3 hours ago
1 Rant Comment
"pOlItIcS aRe sO bOriNg!" ::bubblegum smacking:: - literally the behavior I have personally encountered in many fellow Americans.
anonymous 3 hours ago