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boyfriend losing interest?

boyfriend losing interest?

i feel like my boyfriend is just tired of me. i constantly ask when to hang out and i have to plan everything and it’s so frustrating that he doesn’t plan anything for us to do together. sometimes he will and then i’ll get excited just for him to cancel. he’s also always late when he knows lateness is one of the things i hate the most. when im with him i still feel really happy and he is great but when we are apart i feel like he doesn’t really wanna text me or see me. also i’ve given him a lot of hints that im in the mood or want to get intimate but he always seems to not want to which i understand that could be the case but it’s making me feel like im undesirable to him. sometimes i just wanna give up on the relationship but i still really love him and it would break my heart. i’ve had some conversations about it with him but we never really get to into it because im scared it’ll go wrong. i just hate constantly feeling like he’s not interested in me anymore and idk how to fix it.
jazmin Dating September 08, 2024 at 1:37 am 1
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im so sorry. u dont deserve this. if u feel like it really is too much leave him. u have better things to do that chase after a guy that doesnt even like u
anonymous 3 hours ago
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