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Apple is your elementary school teacher

Apple is your elementary school teacher

And that teacher loves telling you what to do and enforces all kinds of rules on you. Yes, that kind of teacher, with the stupid winged glasses and grandma clothes- the old "mansion up on the hill above the Bates motel" kind. iOS is the frekeled faced four eyes hall monitor named Margaret deputized by the teacher and as the devout teacher's pet that she is, rigorously enforces the rules on YOU.. And it loves to kill off all background apps. Rules rules, and more rules for the iOS user!
anonymous Other January 19, 2025 at 11:42 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
New year, new rules. Doesn't everyone follow this shit? That said, iOS users need a whole lot of new strictures from Apple to be placed in them. For "security", of course. Apple is for people who are compliant, and conforming, and don't think for themselves.
anonymous 4 weeks ago
"strictures places ON them"
anonymous 4 weeks ago
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