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A message for you Cop Haters

A message for you Cop Haters

I understand with all of the bad you see in America the first thing you want to do is blame the cops, but understand one thing if Cops didn't exist you would be dead. How do I know this because of the fact that Cops and Military are the only thing keeping Terrorists from sneaking into America and making this country a warzone of death. Also if Cops did not exist you would have a choice when you see someone on the street ....Kill them or they kill you Imagine the movie the Purge only 100 times worse....if you hate Cops you support a world where women are raped and killed and children are targeted by Pedophiles on every street corner ....I will always support our men and women in the service and if Cops ever are shut down its their Job to step up and become the new Police and trust me you do not want a Military Police America lol
anonymous Political January 02, 2025 at 5:13 pm 2
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Their are alot more reasons but im sure you know how bad the world is so I dont have to list them.
anonymous 2 days ago
But women are raped and killed.

Children are abused and murdered.

Just because it's not done by people called terrorists doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Cops and military are, in fact, quite often the perpetrators.

I tried hard for a long time to dispel the idea that cops and military members are bad people. I went to Bible study at a cop's house and came to understand he was an unrepentant abuser of children and animals. Passed it off as "discipline." Last time I bothered going over there I told him, "there's a reason why your cat pisses in your shoes. She doesn't do that to your wife or children or any of your guests, right? And none of us treat her like you do, right?...yeah. Just some food for thought." The poor abused cat outlived him, fortunately. And the Marine I befriended...boy could I tell you some stories. Put a guy up in your house, drive him to the VA hospital in the middle of the night, pay for his cigs and energy drinks and Mountain Dew, listen to him ramble about nonsense jingo ideas for years, then you use one turn of phrase he doesn't like and he goes off like you're the spawn of Satan himself.

Yeah sorry, these ain't good people, much as I wanted to believe they were.
anonymous 2 days ago
We would be like Haiti?

anonymous 2 days ago
^ im with anonymous above. Ive seen more bad cops than good...
anonymous 2 days ago
An America without cops would be one where I could take over this country and no one would stop me so you had better be glad cops exist
anonymous 2 days ago
^until you get shot in the head, your not immortal. Hopefully that happens, or to your loved ones. That be funny
Wwp 2 days ago
How many cops are doing the crooked stuff vs the ones actually keeping us safe? Really, all of the "fuck the police" chanters would be swarmed on and stripped bare if not killed if there was no police. Then they will be thinking "we need a group that will stop or at least discourage people from swarming on me. Someone who could enforce laws like not steal from me, not murder me..."
anonymous 1 day ago
We can have vigilante groups that go around cracking your skull open because they don't like the way you look, and you would have no legal recourse unlike with a police force that has to answer to the US government.
anonymous 1 day ago
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