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"I have long COVID"

"I have long COVID"

Lady, you don't have long COVID, more like you're a fat fuck with COPD, you attention-seeking drama queen. Try losing some weight, you wheezing tub of lard, and stop making excuses. Hilarious that you were making a big deal about long COVID but clearly weren't bothered about catching it again, given that you weren't even wearing a mask, you rancid sack of shit. Fucking idiot. Hope you die soon!
anonymous Other March 10, 2025 at 2:08 pm 4
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I understand that you may feel really frustrated and even angry about the situation, but I have to urge you to rethink your approach here. Your words come across as harsh and unkind, and it’s important to consider how much damage we can do with our words, especially when it comes to someone else's health struggles.

Calling someone names and attacking their character does nothing to contribute to a constructive conversation. Everyone carries their own burdens, and health issues are often complex. What you perceive as "attention-seeking" may actually be a real struggle for that person. Rather than tearing them down, consider how they might be feeling – it’s entirely possible they’re dealing with challenges you know nothing about.

Instead of focusing on their weight or lifestyle choices, let’s remember that each of us is human and deserving of compassion. Encouraging someone to change their behavior is most effective when approached with kindness and understanding, not malice.

If you feel strongly about the importance of health and safety, it might be more productive to express those concerns without resorting to insults. Everyone deserves support, especially when it comes to their physical and mental health struggles. Let's aim to foster dialogue that uplifts rather than degrades.
anonymous 3 hours ago

Post COVID-19 condition is when the symptoms of COVID-19 persist for more than 12 weeks after the infection. It's also known as long COVID, and can affect both adults and children.

You can show symptoms of post COVID-19 condition even if you:

weren't formally tested and diagnosed with COVID-19
only had mild to moderate symptoms when you had COVID-19
Post COVID-19 condition is not COVID-19. Symptoms can persist for weeks or months from the initial COVID-19 infection, but you can also develop new ones.

Post COVID-19 condition affects everyone differently, and there have been reports of over 100 symptoms. The most common in adults are:

trouble sleeping
shortness of breath
general pain and discomfort
cognitive problems, such as:
memory loss
difficulty thinking or concentrating
mental health symptoms, such as:
The most common symptoms in children include:

abdominal pain
sleep problems
shortness of breath
cognitive problems, such as:
difficulty thinking or concentrating
muscle aches and joint pains
Symptoms can vary in severity, and can sometimes disappear and reappear without having another diagnosis to explain them. Some patients report that physical and mental over-exertion can make the condition worse.

If you're unable to work because of your symptoms, you may be eligible for disability benefits or employment insurance (EI).

Learn more about:

Canada Pension Plan Disability benefits
EI sickness benefits: What these benefits offer
Long-term effects
Post COVID-19 condition is relatively new, and research into it is ongoing. We released preliminary results of the Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey in October 2022. The survey found that around 15% of adults who got COVID-19 experienced, or still experience, longer-term symptoms 3 or more months following their initial COVID-19 infection.

Of the adults with longer-term symptoms:

47% had symptoms for 1 year or longer
21% reported their symptoms often or always limited their daily activities
74.1% of those who were employed or attending school missed work or school due to their symptoms
on average, these adults missed an estimated 20 days each
These findings are consistent with other international studies.

Mental health
People with post COVID-19 condition often report changes to their mental health, including increased anxiety and depression.

Talk to your health care provider if you think that you may be experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression. They can help you find support.

People at greater risk
Evidence around risk factors is still evolving, but current evidence suggests that some people might be more at risk of developing post COVID-19 condition. These include:

people who had a more severe COVID-19 illness, especially those who:
were hospitalized
needed admission to intensive care
those with underlying chronic conditions
Further studies are being closely watched for the potential impacts of the condition on different subpopulations, including people who:

didn't get 2 or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine before having the virus
experience re-infections
A few studies have suggested that post COVID-19 condition may be more common in adults than in children. However, estimates of how common the condition is in different age groups will become more precise as new evidence emerges.

The best way to prevent post COVID-19 condition is to take measures to avoid getting or spreading the infection, such as:

staying home when sick
wearing a well-fitted mask
improving indoor ventilation
This can also protect people who are at risk of more severe disease.

Vaccination is also one of the most effective ways to protect against severe outcomes from COVID-19. Evidence suggests that receiving two 2 or more vaccine doses before infection helps to reduce the risk of developing post COVID-19 condition.

In addition to vaccination, the Government of Canada has also taken measures to secure safe and effective COVID-19 therapies. When used properly, COVID-19 therapies can help reduce the severity of symptoms and improve outcomes for individuals who get the virus.

The government has made efforts to secure a range of therapies so that people in Canada have access to the most effective treatments available. These efforts are part of a bigger plan to control the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health of people in Canada. Vaccination remains the best way to protect against severe outcomes from COVID-19. However, the availability of safe and effective therapies is an important tool to limit the spread of this disease.

Canada continues to monitor new developments to learn more about other preventive measures.

Learn more about:

COVID-19 treatments
COVID-19: Improving indoor ventilation
COVID-19: Individual public health measures
Vaccines for COVID-19: How to get vaccinated
Respiratory infectious diseases: Mask use for reducing the spread
COVID-19: Symptoms, treatment, what to do if you feel sick
Diagnosis and treatment
There are currently no diagnostic tests or treatments for post COVID-19 condition. If you think you have the condition, talk to your health care provider about how to manage your symptoms.

Some provinces have opened clinics that provide care to people with post COVID-19 condition. Contact your provincial or territorial health system to find out which services are available to you.

COVID-19: Provincial and territorial resources

What Canada's doing
We continue to work with partners to conduct and support scientific activities to:

inform evidence-based policies and programs
learn more about post COVID-19 condition in Canada
learn how to prevent, manage and treat the condition
Budget 2022 allocated $9 million to the Public Health Agency of Canada over 3 years. This will go towards creating and evaluating evidence-based guidelines and tools to support:

health professionals
Budget 2022 also provides $20 million over 5 years to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. This supports research related to the long-term effects of COVID-19 infections on people living in Canada.

Learn more about:

Budget 2022: A Plan to Grow Our Economy and Make Life More Affordable
Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey
The Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey was sent to 100,000 randomly selected adults across 10 provinces. We'll use it to:

gather information on symptoms, including:
impact on daily activities
estimate how many adults have post COVID-19 condition
identify risk factors associated with developing the condition
Preliminary results from this survey provided valuable insight on longer-term COVID-19 symptoms in adults in Canada. The survey released final results in the fall of 2023.

Learn more about:

Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey
Reports on longer-term symptoms following COVID-19 in Canadian adults
Task Force on Post COVID-19 Condition
In August 2022, the Task Force on Post COVID-19 Condition was established to develop a scientific roadmap designed to manage post COVID-19 condition. The roadmap will:

identify what data and evidence we still need
recommend how to address the health and socioeconomic impacts of the condition
The Task Force released an executive summary of their report in December 2022 and published the full report in March 2023. We're currently reviewing the recommendations, which will help us plan future responses to post COVID-19 condition.

Learn more about:

Task Force on Post COVID-19 Condition
Post-COVID-19 Condition in Canada: What we know, what we don't know, and a framework for action
Post COVID-19 Condition Secretariat
The Post COVID-19 Condition Secretariat, housed within the Public Health Agency of Canada, has been established to bring greater coordination and strategic direction to the on-going work relating to the condition. This includes coordinating a whole-of-government approach in taking action to address evidence and data gaps around the condition, along with supporting Canadians in managing and eventually recovering from it.

anonymous 3 hours ago
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