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"Favoritism" at work

"Favoritism" at work

I never understand why there is favoritism at work. It's so obvious that this one boss (F probably 30+ y.o) only wants to hang out with her favorite co-workers in her division, that it's so obvious. She will invite all of her co-worker except for some that she did not favor. She will even post it on socmed stories. She won't socialize with some of us, onkt work related and she communicates COLDLY except to those she likes. She won't even eat lunch or dinner in the same table with us in cafetaria, she'd rather eat on another table or with the co-worker in her circle.
But what irks me the most, the favoritism somehow get in the way of our work too. We noticed that sometimes when her favorite kid is making a mistake, she won't make a big deal out of this. I don't even think she scolded them badly, just a plain "don't do it again, okay?". But when it's us, oh boy... the cold treatment we get, the way she will DM us harshly and every little thing we did will be commented on. It's just doesn't make any sense. Why is therw favoritism at work? It's really unprofessional.
---- Work February 16, 2025 at 3:41 am 1
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