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Genuine Question.

Genuine Question.

This isn't a rant, but I thought to write it anyway.

Why do we live in a judgemental, hypocritcal and dull society? Please, enlighten me.
Mary Other February 20, 2025 at 1:29 pm 0
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Social media and the internet have put us under the illusion that we're enlightened and intelligent, creating a surprising abundance of ignorant know-it-alls.
anonymous 23 hours ago
My guess would be the internet, cell phones and obsession with politics, particularly presidential politics. This can mostly be traced back to around 2000, the Bush/Gore election inflamed division, also around the time cell phones and the internet were becoming mainstream...maybe a little sooner but anyway, another possibility is cell phone effects on the brain. It's basically a radio and having this RF so close to the brain could certainly create issues
Dr. Cho 23 hours ago
Judgemental determinations of the worth of others and their place in society are useful in tamping down and out any who are upwardly mobile. Keep the castes separate...the lower castes/classes must always strive to please their master's every whim or be beaten and sent to the concentration camps for harsh re-educational hard labor and deportation. Obey the rulers, be loyal to the Supreme Ruler and be silent.
anonymous 20 hours ago
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