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People aren't wrong for wanting to live a life without a controlling person villifying everything they do. People aren't wrong for wanting some sense of security in their life. People aren't wrong for wanting a life that isn't filled with constant fear.
anonymous Political February 21, 2025 at 12:36 pm 1
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7 Rant Comments
Why do I feel like this poster IS the hateful person who can't respect boundaries.
anonymous 13 hours ago
I don't like being burned. So what I do is I don't stick my hands on hot pans or other objects that will burn me.
anonymous 13 hours ago
Why do I feel like the above commenter IS the hateful person who can't respect BORDERS
anonymous 10 hours ago
Why do I feel like the above commenter IS the hateful person who can't respect STARSHIP LEVEL SHIELDS
anonymous 10 hours ago
Why do I feel like the above commenter IS the hateful person who demands respect and backhands anyone with a belt who doesn't worship his tooshie
anonymous 10 hours ago
I don't like being burned. So what I do is I ball my hand into a fist and pleasure mango man up the anus on command
anonymous 10 hours ago
Chichi is coming for you and she's going to smash your ass with a frying pan. Even Goku fears her for her incredible frying pan power. You have been warned.
anonymous 10 hours ago
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